ada code for bridge sectioning

Unless a clear or correct key is provided, each operable part shall be able to be differentiated by sound or touch, without activation. Accessible. 405.6 Rise. Wheel stops are an effective way to prevent vehicle overhangs from reducing the clear width of accessible routes. Where the reach depth exceeds 10 inches (255 mm), the high side reach shall be 46 inches (1170 mm) maximum for a reach depth of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum. 703.5.6 Height From Finish Floor or Ground. 240.2.2 Elevated Play Components. 404.2.9 Door and Gate Opening Force. 470 et seq.) 1003.2.1 Boat Slips. 206.2.16 Miniature Golf Facilities. (i) Remodeling merchandise display areas or employee work areas in a department store; (ii) Replacing an inaccessible floor surface in the customer service or employee work areas of a bank; (iii) Redesigning the assembly line area of a factory; or. Grouping all ground level play components accessed by children with disabilities in one location is not considered integrated. Access aisles shall extend the full length of the vehicle pull-up spaces they serve. Where a seat is provided in a standard roll-in shower compartment, it shall be a folding type, shall be installed on the side wall adjacent to the controls, and shall extend from the back wall to a point within 3 inches (75 mm) of the compartment entry. Transfer steps shall have level surfaces 14 inches (355 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) wide minimum. Where a wheelchair space can be entered only from the side, the wheelchair space shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum. Where a pass through kitchen is provided, clearances shall comply with 804.2.1. Rapid and light rail stations, and commuter rail stations, as defined under criteria established by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR 37.47 and 49 CFR 37.51, respectively. 235.1 General. 404.3.6 Break Out Opening. Included are provisions intended to reduce the chance of user injury or entrapment. An alteration of an existing element, space, or area of a building or facility shall not impose a requirement for accessibility greater than required for new construction. Assistive listening devices complying with 706 can facilitate voice communication at counters or teller windows where there is security glazing which promotes distortion in audible information. 217.4.6 Hospitals. At high water, the entire chain is floating and a transition plate connects the first float to the surface of the launch ramp. 1002.5.3 Transfer Entry. Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with 404, except that if the approach is to the latch side of the compartment door, clearance between the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum. Accessible routes complying with Chapter 4 shall be provided within residential dwelling units in accordance with 809.2. or are designated as historic under State or local law, shall comply to the maximum extent feasible with this part. However, in no case may the combined change in level exceed 1/2 inch (13 mm). Where clocks are installed overhead, numerals and digits shall comply with 703.5. EXCEPTION: An accessible route shall not be required between accessible buildings, accessible facilities, accessible elements, and accessible spaces if the only means of access between them is a vehicular way not providing pedestrian access. Where more than the minimum number of drinking fountains specified in 211.2 are provided, 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.1 through 602.6, and 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.7. The water closet shall be located with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side. 408.2.1 Call Buttons. Assistive listening systems required in assembly areas shall comply with 706. 216.6 Entrances. Marked Crossing. 407. Signal Level. Low-level platforms shall be 8 inches (205 mm) minimum above top of rail. 242.3 Wading Pools. Symbols of accessibility shall contrast with their background with either a light symbol on a dark background or a dark symbol on a light background. 203.12 Animal Containment Areas. The 48 inch (1220 mm) minimum width for the accessible route is necessary to ensure passage of a golf car on either the accessible route or the golf car passage. Ground surfaces located within use zones shall comply with ASTM F 1292 (1999 edition or 2004 edition) (incorporated by reference, see Referenced Standards in Chapter 1). 707.6.3 Function Keys. Spaces and elements within employee work areas shall only be required to comply with 206.2.8, 207.1, and 215.3 and shall be designed and constructed so that individuals with disabilities can approach, enter, and exit the employee work area. Pontic - porcelain fused to high noble metal. The dip of the overflow shall not be considered in determining knee and toe clearances. Changes in level between 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) high minimum and 1/2 inch (13 mm) high maximum shall be beveled with a slope not steeper than 1:2. Advisory 201.3 Temporary and Permanent Structures. 707.7.2 Characters. Audible and visible car position indicators shall be provided in elevator cars. Advisory 206.2.3 Multi-Story Buildings and Facilities Exception 4. 704.1 General. A custom designed and constructed ride is new upon its first use, which is the first time amusement park patrons take the ride. The provisions of Chapter 10 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document. 408.4 Elevator Cars. 802.1.5 Overlap. Sloped entries in wading pools shall not be required to provide handrails complying with 1009.3.3. In U-shaped kitchens enclosed on three contiguous sides, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum. In facilities with residential dwelling units, at least 2 percent, but no fewer than one unit, of the total number of residential dwelling units shall provide communication features complying with 809.5. Bridges are made from metal, ceramics, or a combination of the two. Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with 806.2. Luxury Boxes, Club Boxes, and Suites in Arenas, Stadiums, and Grandstands. 408.4.4 Leveling. 608.5.1 Transfer Type Shower Compartments. 1005.2.1.1 Dispersion. Ten percent of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities shall comply with 502. Where the total length of a gangway or series of gangways serving as part of a required accessible route is 80 feet (24 m) minimum, gangways shall not be required to comply with 405.2. Where possible, the least possible slope should be used on the accessible route that serves the amusement ride. An alteration that affects or could affect the usability of or access to an area of a facility that contains a primary function shall be made so as to ensure that, to the maximum extent feasible, the path of travel to the altered area and the restrooms, telephones, and drinking fountains serving the altered area are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs, unless the cost and scope of such alterations is disproportionate to the cost of the overall alteration. Operators and designers have flexibility in developing designs that will facilitate individuals to transfer onto amusement rides. Platform boarding edges not protected by platform screens or guards shall have detectable warnings complying with 705 along the full length of the public use area of the platform. Stroke thickness of the uppercase letter I shall be 15 percent maximum of the height of the character. Letters, numbers, punctuation marks and typographic symbols. Platform lifts are permitted as a part of an accessible route. 705.2 Platform Edges. (2) Alterations to detention and correctional facilities. The type of surface material selected and play area use levels will determine the frequency of inspection and maintenance activities. Access aisles serving vehicle pull-up spaces shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum. For incremental volume control, provide at least one intermediate step of 12 dB of gain minimum. The surface of the transfer system shall not be sharp and shall have rounded edges. A building or facility, or portion thereof, used for the purpose of entertainment, educational or civic gatherings, or similar purposes. Soft Contained Play Structures. EXCEPTION: Turning space shall not be required in exterior spaces 30 inches (760 mm) maximum in depth or width. Where elevated play components are used to connect to another elevated play component instead of an accessible route, careful consideration should be used in the selection of the play components used for this purpose. 221.2.3 Lines of Sight and Dispersion. Water closets and toilet compartments for childrens use shall comply with 604.9. 807.2.4 Toilet and Bathing Facilities. Accessible routes serving floating fishing piers and platforms shall be permitted to use Exceptions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in 1003.2.1. 308.3.2 Obstructed High Reach. Where glazed openings are provided in accessible rooms or spaces for operation by occupants, at least one opening shall comply with 309. 604.3.2 Overlap. Further, the residential dwelling units provided must be dispersed according to HUDs Section 504 criteria. Car gates shall be prohibited. When accessible guest rooms are added as a result of subsequent alterations, compliance with 224.5 (Dispersion) is more likely to be achieved if all of the accessible guest rooms are not provided in the same area of the facility. Play Area. Stairs and Escalators in Existing Buildings. Where openings are provided for transfer to amusement ride seats, the openings shall provide clearance for transfer from a wheelchair or mobility aid to the amusement ride seat. 407. Location. Assistive listening signs shall comply with 703.5 and shall include the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss complying with 703.7.2.4. A portion of the counter surface that is 36 inches (915 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) high maximum above the finish floor shall be provided. 409.3.2 Location. 810.9 Escalators. While a mezzanine may be a change in level, it is not a story. 238.2 Golf Courses. EXCEPTION: Mobile or portable amusement rides shall not be required to comply with 234. 407.2.1 Call Controls. 216.9 TTYs. Access aisles serving parking spaces shall comply with 502.3. 216.8 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms. Manual doors and doorways and manual gates intended for user passage shall comply with 404.2. 407. Arrangement. D9912 Pre-Visit Patient Screening. Where alarm appliances are provided within a residential dwelling unit as part of the building fire alarm system, they shall comply with 702. For example, both a bank lobby and the banks employee areas such as the teller areas and walk-in safe are primary function areas. 804.6.2 Operable Parts. Horizontal dispersion of wheelchair spaces is the placement of spaces in an assembly facility seating area from side-to-side or, in the case of an arena or stadium, around the field of play or performance area. 704.4.1 Height. 801.1 Scope. 806.3.2 Notification Devices. EXCEPTION: In existing facilities, visible alarms shall not be required except where an existing fire alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new fire alarm system is installed. 608.2.2.1 Clearance. The provisions for escalators require that at least two flat steps be provided at the entrance and exit of every escalator and that steps on escalators be demarcated by yellow lines 2 inches wide maximum along the back and sides of steps. Story. Check-out aisles and sales and service counters shall comply with the applicable requirements of 904. 1009.5.5 Surface. Telephone handset devices, if provided, shall comply with 704.3. 502.1 General. Elevators provided for passengers shall comply with 407. The required van accessible designation is intended to be informative, not restrictive, in identifying those spaces that are better suited for van use. EXCEPTION: Existing elevators with manually operated doors shall not be required to comply with 407.3.3. The facilities covered by Section 233, as well as other facilities not covered by this section, may still be subject to other Federal laws such as the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. When distinguishing between the different types of ground level play components, consider the general experience provided by the play component. Ramp landing slopes specified by 405.7.1 shall be permitted to be 1:20 maximum. Bottom-hinged door ovens shall have the work surface required by 804.3 positioned adjacent to one side of the door. Wave action pools, leisure rivers, sand bottom pools, and other pools where user access is limited to one area shall not be required to provide more than one accessible means of entry provided that the accessible means of entry is a swimming pool lift complying with 1009.2, a sloped entry complying with 1009.3, or a transfer system complying with 1009.5. Characters shall contrast with their background with either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light background. Where a sand box is provided, an accessible route must connect to the border of the sand box. The angle of the water stream shall be measured horizontally relative to the front face of the unit. If providing accessibility in conformance with this section to individuals with certain disabilities (e.g., those who use wheelchairs) would not be feasible, the facility shall be made accessible to persons with other types of disabilities (e.g., those who use crutches, those who have impaired vision or hearing, or those who have other impairments). Low-energy and power-assisted doors shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19 (1997 or 2002 edition) (incorporated by reference, see Referenced Standards in Chapter 1). (ii) Only alterations undertaken after January 26, 1992, shall be considered in determining if the cost of providing an accessible path of travel is disproportionate to the overall cost of the alterations. 407.2.2 Hall Signals. If that date is on or after September 15, 2010, and before March 15, 2012, then new construction and alterations must comply with either the 1991 or the 2010 Standards. Handrail extensions specified by 505.10.1 shall not be required at the bottom landing serving a sloped entry. (1) Alterations include, but are not limited to, remodeling, renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction, historic restoration, changes or rearrangement in structural parts or elements, and changes or rearrangement in the plan configuration of walls and full-height partitions. 407.4.6.4 Emergency Controls. The call button that designates the up direction shall be located above the call button that designates the down direction. (2) If full compliance with this section would be structurally impracticable, compliance with this section is required to the extent that it is not structurally impracticable. 804.2 Clearance. If soap and towel dispensers are provided, they must be located within the reach ranges specified in 308. Entities subject to 233.2 shall not be required to comply with 233.3. 233.2 Residential Dwelling Units Provided by Entities Subject to HUD Section 504 Regulations. 608.1 General. In some cases, the vehicle guidelines permit use of a low platform in conjunction with a lift or ramp. However, Section 702 of these requirements limits the volume of an audible alarm to 110 dBA, rather than the maximum 120 dBA permitted by NFPA 72-1999. The communication system must be push button activated. Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in dressing, fitting or locker rooms without individual compartments, at least one of each type shall comply with 803.5. Where restricted entrances are provided to a building or facility, at least one restricted entrance to the building or facility shall comply with 404. Signs that provide direction to or information about interior spaces and facilities of the site shall comply with 703.5. 604.1 General. Where fire alarm systems provide audible alarm coverage, alarms shall comply with 215. A level landing is needed at the accessible door to permit maneuvering and simultaneously door operation. 206.4.1 Public Entrances. Where the shape of the gripping surface is non-circular, the handrail shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. Large pieces of equipment, such as electric turbines or water pumping apparatus, may have stairs and elevated walkways used for overseeing or monitoring purposes which are physically part of the turbine or pump. Vertical clearance shall be 80 inches (2030 mm) high minimum. Access aisles shall be at the same level as the parking spaces they serve. Advisory 221.2.3 Lines of Sight and Dispersion. Tactile. These are areas outside the boundary of the golf course, but are areas where an individual using an adapted golf car may travel. The following table provides additional guidance in applying the specifications for water closets for children according to the age group served and reflects the differences in the size, stature, and reach ranges of children ages 3 through 12. Hardware that requires simultaneous hand and finger movements require greater dexterity and coordination, and is not recommended. 404.3.1 Clear Width. Station platforms shall be positioned to coordinate with vehicles in accordance with the applicable requirements of 36 CFR Part 1192. 208.3.1 General. The level of illumination at the car controls, platform, car threshold and car landing sill shall be 5 foot candles (54 lux) minimum. For every six or fraction of six parking spaces required by 208.2 to comply with 502, at least one shall be a van parking space complying with 502. 222.1 General. 1002.4.3 Gaps. If plumbing valves are located directly behind the toilet seat, flush valves and related plumbing can cause injury or imbalance when a person leans back against them. Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the seat, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure. Where clocks are provided for use by the public, the clock face shall be uncluttered so that its elements are clearly visible. Residential facilities containing residential dwelling units provided by entities subject to HUDs Section 504 regulations and residential dwelling units covered by Section 233.3 must comply with the technical and scoping requirements in Chapters 1 through 10 included this document. Understanding D9120 Dental Code, Dental Coding and Billing Discover everything you need to know about D9120 Dental Code, dental coding, and dental billing by watching this video. 206.2.6 Performance Areas. Advisory 704.3 Volume Control Telephones. TTYs may include, for example, devices known as TDDs (telecommunication display devices or telecommunication devices for deaf persons) or computers with special modems. In addition, medical care facilities that do not specialize in the treatment of conditions that affect mobility shall disperse the accessible patient bedrooms required by section 223.2.1 of the 2010 Standards in a manner that is proportionate by type of medical specialty. 209.5 Mechanical Access Parking Garages. 217.4.1 Bank Requirement. 3) The working model showing the preparation of the mesial part of the distal two-unit bridge. Cells may serve more than one courtroom. D9120 Dental Code is the dental procedure billing code for Fixed partial denture sectioning. (ii) Facilities with more than 50 guest rooms shall be treated separately for the purposes of determining the required number of accessible rooms and type of accessible bathing facility in accordance with table 224.2 to section 224.2 of the 2010 Standards. Residential dwelling units required to provide communication features shall comply with 809.5. Providing a pool lift with a weight capacity greater than 300 pounds (136 kg) may be advisable. A place of public accommodation or a commercial building or facility subject to Title III of the ADA and 28 CFR part 36 or a transportation building or facility subject to Title III of the ADA and 49 CFR 37.45. Extend the full length of the unit with 502.3 systems provide audible alarm coverage, alarms shall comply with.! Type of surface material selected and play area use levels will determine the frequency of inspection and activities! A weight capacity greater than 300 pounds ( 136 kg ) may be a change in exceed! 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