our planet coastal seas transcript

What did it feel and sound like for you who were actually there? The mangroves protect the coasts from hurricanes and they too, capture carbon dioxide. Preface. CHAN: At CZI we are a big believer that we need to have diverse talent to be part of building that better future for everyone. You can track the country's "Marine Big Five" (sharks, dolphins, seals, penguins, and whales) on a seven . Life in our grasslands depends on space. Because you mentioned George W. Bush, of course (ph) as he was running for president he basically said the following -- he wanted to be sort of, Mr. It's about three or four people originally who are close to the industry and can be trusted to write editorials often for a fee, $2,000 a pop at the time - and start to speak to reporters. Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany. It explores the difficulties that come with living a life in . And I think it's only right that people should know that there are some places where we have decided to show distressing images about what's happening to the natural world. That we could go back to that sort of era where most people now think that something has to be done? But for those who want to give back, and we should be really thoughtful about ensuring that we aren't a single voice. And over the course of the 90s they go farther and farther and more and more brazen until you get to this sort of delirium now where, yes, an entire political party questions the fundamental science of climate change which is fundamental science which goes back, you know, long before 1979 into the 19th century. (Melissa Ward, UC Davis) Researchers at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory and its interdisciplinary Bodega Ocean Acidification Research Group are working with coastal communities, shellfish growers, policymakers and other scientists on a variety of research projects aimed at understanding how changing seawater chemistry . And what my family was able to do was actually take advantage of the great public schools systems that we had in Massachusetts, and I had two incredible mentors that told me about college, told me that that I would someone who would do great in college, but I needed that mentorship because as a first generation to college my family wasn't able to provide that for me. The effort put into the making of this documentary series is worthy of praise. RICH: All of it. How much of the science and the opportunity was wasted then? Our planet is a nature documentary series featuring wildlife in their natural habitats. [13:40:00] So how can we actually like look at these shining examples of what's happening -- of great education, great mentorship. I'm a pediatrician. The documentary ends urging humanity to protect the seas to help sustain both humanity and the nature world. Many rivers no longer reach the sea. [13:20:00] SCHOLEY: No, it's not, but it is a great lesson that nature is very resilient. Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.In this episode: From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi best documentries. Music from Our Planet (2019) distributed by Netflix.Our Planet: The Complete Collection (Music From The Netflix Original Series) by Steven Price.Playlist: ht. Without fresh water, life on land wouldn't exist. Music from Our Planet (2019) distributed by Netflix.Our Planet: The Complete Collection (Music From The Netflix Original Series) by Steven Price.Playlist: ht. And when I'm in the White House I'll do it. There were setbacks, but by the end of the decade they'd moved it to the threshold of a solution or what they thought was a solution - a binding treaty to reduce emissions that would have been signed by every country in the world, but at the very last minute the U.S. dropped out and in retrospect that's about the closest we've gotten since then, but that is also the moment at which the oil and gas industry started to work on this propaganda and influence campaign that we are still in the grips of 40 years later. AMANPOUR: And you've been doing this in various different platforms and ways for many years, and worked with David Attenborough. This series is narrated by the world-renowned environmental activist and conservationist- Sir David Attenborough. There's probably 200 or 300 dead walrus on like a half mile stretch of beach here, they're exhausted because they're having to swim 100 miles now to get to food, and then coming back here because it's the only place to sleep. Blue Planet 2: Episode & Complete series resources The seas bordering land make up how much of the world's oceans? - People aren't allowed to fish commercially in the park. CHAN: We partner with Summit to make sure that the curriculum provided is standards aligned and vetted by academics across the field. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.Our Planet | Coastal Seas | FULL EPISODE | Netflixhttps://youtube.com/Netflix The crew spent months or even years just to capture a rare moment of a certain species. [13:25:00] Nathaniel Rich, welcome to the program. At!a!time!whenthehealth!of!our!oceans!is!increasinglyunderthreat,! Arguably the materials are appropriate for grade 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. BBC Empire of the Seas S01E04 Sea Change part 2/2. CHAN: The Summit Learning Platform is a software and professional development program that we've developed in partnership with the Summit Public Schools. Once entangled, dugongs and other marine wildlife can drown within minutes. What are you hearing from the young people and from the organizers. Our team will be in touch soonHere are other ways to help WWF. This is a deviation probably from what they've previously been used to, so I think they've probably made the right call. This website uses cookies and similar identifiers to give you the best online experience. We went to that location expecting to maybe film a bit of tumbling down some shallow (inaudible) and maybe some polar bears interacting (ph). You've got others like the climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe who talks about convincing people from the heart, listen to what she said. We are excited about criminal justice because there are folks on both sides of the aisle that are excited about improving the criminal justice system. I mean, did you get down and dirty? Music composed by award-winning composer Steven Price . In his best-selling book "Losing Earth", author Nathaniel Rich has been tracking the process of climate change denial over the paste 40 years and he's joining me now from Louisiana. And mind you, they know but it's also visible to the people who have their fingers on power, both political power and fiscal power -- monetary power to do something about this situation. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Is that what you're looking for here? CHAN: So I don't think for those who can afford it that higher taxes are a bad thing. The rich coastal seas are the fishing grounds of our planet and can provide an abundance of food for wildlife and humanity. 1:00. This isn't just a march. Joining me now are two of the people who made this wake up call a reality. enquiries@wwf.org.au, If you have any questions about your donation, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Supporter Services team either by email: Our Planet - Coastal Seas 0 plays 6th - 8th grade Biology, Science a few seconds ago by Pat Dempsey Copy and Edit INSTRUCTOR-LED SESSION Start a live quiz ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Assign homework 20 questions Show answers Question 1 60 seconds Report an issue Q. SREENIVASAN: Let's talk a little bit about science. Beyond its beauty, the ocean is critical to the biodiversity of the planet, provides sustenance to hundreds of millions of people, and links many cultures across the globe. LANFEAR: I'm sure that's right (ph). Plastic pollution, air and water pollution, climate change, deforestati Small changes to your every day can make a huge impact to our planet. And the greybeard of our natural world, Sir David Attenborough takes on a new Netflix series showcasing the urgency. Play a little of this and there's a huge noise, and we'll talk about it. AMANPOUR: And just, how did you film that. And when it breaks off, half a kilometer is underneath the water. Our Planet: Coastal Seas Your notes: - The Everglades has a diverse environment. I think very few people would argue that little kids connecting with their grandparents across the country is a bad use of their time. Mediterranean Sea: Italy borders the sea and has the islands of Sicily and Sardinia in it Plastic represents 95% of the waste in the Mediterranean Sea 650,000,000 tonnes of sewage 129,000 tonnes of mineral oil 60,000 tonnes of mercury 3,800 tonnes of lead 36,000 tonnes of phosphates All amounts are annual The sea contains the Mediterranean monk seal, one of the worlds most endangered animals . "Coastal Seas" is about the abundant sea life that occupies the coasts of the continents. AMANPOUR: Nathaniel Rich, author of "Losing Earth" thank you so much. He didn't really weigh in on the climate change aspect of it, certainly not on the political aspect of it. The astonishing diversity of life on earth depends on these global connections. HOLMES: Dr. Rupert Reed from the University of East Anglia joining us there to give you a sense of the importance of how they see this unfolding. This series is narrated by the world-renowned environmental activist and conservationist- Sir David Attenborough. Obviously we thought deeply about showing these images because they are upsetting. CHAN: That's not -- the way schools in California are funded don't actually quite work that way -- SREENIVASAN: Yeah, yeah -- CHAN: And so in theory that all sounds right, but that's not actually (ph) how schools get their funding. These are places that feed our imaginations, places that seem to be borrowed from fairytales. Traversed by whales, sharks, turtles, tuna and albatross and home to mysterious deep-sea creatures, these are the true wilds of our planet. In the documentary Coastal Seas, one of the episodes of Our Planet series from, Netflix, the narrator takes viewers on a breathtaking journey during which he, describes ways of life of various marine creatures and highlights the devastating, In the beginning, we are shown a coral reef which the entire community of fish, depends on. THE CHALLENGE Coming spring 2020 David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet Trailer MORE FROM OUR PLANET'S COASTAL SEAS EXPLORE HABITATS One Planet Frozen Worlds Jungles Forests Grasslands It's not, it's happening in the Arctic, it's big time now and animals are suffering and we have to show it. Then, how we got to this point author Nathaniel Rich tell me about the politics of climate denial in the United States, thus as her spouse faces the Facebook music Dr. Priscilla Chan tells Hari Sreenivasan about the foundation she runs with Mark Zuckerberg on education reform, and diversity in science. File previews. So this series we definitely wanted to show people the wonders of our world, because we've still got them but they are going very, very fast and it's -- yes, it's a wake up call that's we have to do something now if we're going to keep it, and if (inaudible) we're going to keep the whole biosphere functioning as we've had for four millennia. AMANPOUR: You know, it's funny as you say it's not as tragic in terms of casualties, but it will be if the seas rise and all the low-lying cities and many, many, even the U.S. military are very, very concerned about that. How do we allow individuals who have served their time to actually have an opportunity at redemption afterwards? So -- AMANPOUR: And really, really is tragic. SCHOLEY: You can put crews in for a few days - AMANPOUR: Ah, the crews. Like, we have the girls video conference, video call with their grandparents all the time. When you come across a story - that walrus (ph), I mean, it's so - the empirical evidence is just so far weighted. Frozen Worlds: 26 question worksheet, 26 word Word Search & 26 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. Fresh Water: 22 question worksheet, 52 word Word Search & 52 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. CHAIRMAN APLIN: Good morning, everyone. What's the Cell Atlas? The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. Let's give you a bit more of an idea of what' behind this and what the aims are. SCHOLEY: Well, I think that natural history films are there for everyone. Amazing, amazing picture there. Seagrass carpet the shallow water of the park, where they absorb 35 times as much carbon dioxide as the same area of rainforests. One Planet: 29 question worksheet, 47 word Word Search, 47 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. 4. CHAN: We don't think we're going to be the only ones to solve this challenge, and we don't want to be. [13:10:00] But I think he's come to the point now where he is very, very sure what's happening and he's being very outspoken about it and it's having a huge impact. I mean, obviously not the tragic casualties, but it sounded like gunshots, cannon fire. I speak to the documentary makers of our planet. You might remember the world's first underwater cabinet meeting way back in 2009 held by the Maldives President to highlight the threat of rising sea levels to islands like his. Episode: Fresh Water. If you are interested to watch this episode or the entire Our Planet series, you can find it on Netflix or Youtube here. Together these protests are paying off, pushing climate change up the political agenda and making politicians talk about Green policies in ways they haven't done before from the grassroots up. AMANPOUR: But interestingly, I don't know. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. ! So what you're seeing is that these haul out sites (ph) they call where they come to rest on shore, are becoming much more overcrowded and there's a lot less space. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, Our Planet is a groundbreaking collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films. How long did it take you to find that episode? 4200 SMITH SCHOOL ROAD. And so that would actually be better for communities, it would be less work CZI to have to pick up and do, right? David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Transcript October 14, 2020 David Attenborough has seen more of the natural world than any other. Palmerah Barat no. SREENIVASAN: You're not the first to tackle education reform, this is a tough problem to crack -- so how do you think you're going to be able to do it where -- in a specific way, where others have been daunted by this challenge? So does that mean you end up lobbying or advocating on behalf of legislation? And there's so much, obviously, beauty, but also massive trauma in seeing the destruction. AMANPOUR: So just explain, you call them Arctic refugees just explain why they climbed up and why they fell down? I mean, Keith this episode actually went viral, the scenes went viral -- we've had some viewer response. But in a way (ph) we just felt the world needs to know this is what's happening. And so, that's the beginning of it, but then soon thereafter industries start spending a fortune to try to block anything approaching regulatory policy. "Our Planet" contains many of the classic elements of his earlier programs. And to be fair at the very end of his presidency he was the first U.N. Noushivids. SCHOELY: - but most of it was - yes, I'm not going to get into that. CHAN: - of learning, and then they take those skills - those skills and those learnings and apply them to projects. Coral bleaching (Image via Netflix: Our Planet: Coastal Sea). There is a force sufficiently powerful to move the oceans of this world. LANFEAR: It was like a warzone. The way we actually engage is through a two-prong strategy. We should do it because we are an example to the world. I'm worried about their future, but I'm worried about my own future, too. Despite their importance to humanity, few are protected . for hours at a time, we think that's bad screen time. From Deserts to Grasslands: 24 question worksheet, 52 word Word Search & 52 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. END. seperti diatur dalam UU ITE. Utilizing the latest technology Our Planet was filmed entirely in Ultra High Definition in over 50 . AMANPOUR: Could you standby for a second. Is that the response that you want? Without fresh water, life on land wouldn't exist. And so we apply many tactics to ensure that we are recruiting a strong, robust, and diverse workforce. So believe it or not, no one actually knows how many cells are in your body, what they are doing, what they look like when they're healthy or sick. Bush, John Sununu, who was sort of the original skeptic became skeptic of the science, skeptic of the politics, and he won out a political dog fight within the White House about whether to accept a binding treaty. Periodic Table Word Searches & Crossword Puzzles In a coral reef ecosystem, every resident has a role to play in maintaining the health of the reef. And they put together a working group and the conclusions at first were essentially we should talk about the uncertainty in the science, where it exists - they weren't yet saying that the whole science was uncertain - and we should make sure that no policy - we endorse no policy that affects the bottom line. An individual with a stem degree makes 26 percent more than an individual without a stem degree. Coastal Seas Episode aired Apr 5, 2019 50 m IMDb RATING 8.9 /10 1.5K YOUR RATING Rate Documentary From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. And actually supporting that work is something that we're incredibly proud of doing. But when we were pregnant with Max, we realized, "oh my goodness, the future's coming any minute," and if we wanted our children to be a part of a future better than what we lived, we needed to make sure we were doing our part. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Thousands of people in 88 cities across the globe blocking roads and slowing down traffic in order to speed up government action to stop climate change. Answers are also included. My next guest says this is nothing new in American politics. When I was in residency, does this mean you're a doctor? As one of the world's biggest polluters, why does the United States also embrace a policy of climate denialism? You know of their own accord, and it was -- I mean, it was devastating, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to witness. Movie Worksheets: Racing Extinction, An Inconvenient Truth 2 These rhythms regulate the physiology and behavior of individuals, as well as their interactions with each other and with the . CHAN: I think screen time is a fascinating question. And I think when you get teams like that together and you're explaining how these ecosystems function and how they work and then what the main problem is and then how we can solve that, everyone was really behind that. What do you need to actually build a better system, do better work?" The habitats that make up our planet are connected and reliant upon each other. tanggung jawab komentator Kompasiana adalah platform blog. And I think that's a fantastic thing. The wildlife will thrive, and we will catch more fish. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KATHARINE HAYHOE, CLIMATE SCIENTIST: Just about all of the objections that I have heard -- the genuine objections to (inaudible) climate, have everything to do with solution aversion. Thank you for joining us there from the streets of London. I don't understand how, you know, we should be setting about putting all our efforts into how do we change this, what can we do rather than contesting whether is this happening or not, is happening. And doctor, first of all, tell me do you think this protest or protests like this could be a tipping point for action on climate change? In its 6th installment, BBC's Blue Planet II focuses on the creatures and ecosystem that occupy this space between land and water. Their special way of hunting- enables them to have good servings of their preys, mullets. About the Coastal and Great Lakes Social Science Lab SREENIVASAN: In your interest in kind of criminal justice reform, that is an inherently political process meaning we collectively decide what's good, what's bad, what is reform, what's our debt to society. You can give students the option of completing the Video Questions or the Word Search/Jumble. AMANPOUR: I'm going to play - you talked about the sea ice. Host to a staggering array of species, they are the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on our planet. They used to sleep on the ice, dive down, eat the food, sleep on the ice -- easy. Yet wherever effective protection exists, life bounces back in huge abundance. This documentary is packed with beautiful visual, sound effects, music, cinematography, and knowledge. And the Chernobyl story, basically we have to leave it alone as we had to get out. Welcome to the program, thanks for being here. Why is the United States sort of an outlier when it comes to this almost official policy in the republican party of climate denialism? And he inspired all of us, he inspired me to get in to natural history (ph) film making. I mean, I remember as a young newsperson reporting on that meltdown and, in fact, the scientists say that it is uninhabitable by humans for the next 20,000 years and yet here you have these resilient forests growing. The 8-part series is the culmination of a 4-year collaboration with Silverback Films and the World Wildlife Federation. Welcome to the program everyone, I'm Christiane Amanpour in London. How does your project - how does your learning actually live in the world? CHAN: They're -- my mom, is so -- are you a real doctor yet? E7 All episodes Cast & crew User reviews IMDbPro All topics Fresh Water Episode aired Apr 5, 2019 49 m IMDb RATING 8.8 /10 1.3K YOUR RATING Rate Documentary The need for fresh water is as strong as ever. Now the President of Cayshells (ph) - another low-lying archipelago - has taken a leaf out of that book delivering an impassionate (ph) plead to protect the beating blue heart of our planet form inside a submersible 400 feet below the surface of the Indian Ocean. A team at the Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center's Latin America Program, led by Dr. Marcy Uhart, works to protect aquatic life and create a healthier coastal environment for all. We're just blocking, shutting down big areas of Central London, and we're going to be back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after that. (END VIDEO CLIP) AMANPOUR: So you're the director, you were talking there with the cameraman -- I guess how was it to see that -- had you ever seen that kind of situation before? They say they want to be here for days. IMPORTANCE. And the other side of this is really giving people a second chance. One viewer said episode two of "Our Planet" is one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen. We cannot withstand the radiation, but most of nature can. HOLMES: Tell me - the thing that struck me about the protests here today is the youth. And so, someone might do a journalism project or visit and understand a local zoo, and to really bring that learning to life, give students the understanding of why something is important. Every resident has a role to play including sharks that assist in, maintaining the balance as top predators. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians, whose land we work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Photos and graphics WWF or used with permission. CHAN: So CZI's a political organization. (END VIDEO CLIP) AMANPOUR: Beautiful, isn't it? That as a foundation, as a philanthropy CZI should be listening to the voices of scientists, of teachers, of advocates on the frontlines and saying, "what do you need? This series revealed that human activities are the main cause of coral bleaching, species extinction, climate change and the need to take action to conserve this beautiful planet. Right now, prosecutors hold and enormous amount of power in the criminal justice system. and find this tiny lump of rock - just seven miles wide - is a mystery. P R E P A R E D B Y : J E M U E L B. L A G A R T O. Our Planet | High Seas | FULL EPISODE | Our Planet 2020 S01E06. You would lose all of your skin. Describe the creative way the group of Bottlenose Dolphins catch their prey. Sea otters nestle in these kelps, while sea urchins graze on the kelps but the otters, together with sheephead wrasses, feast on these urchins to prevent the kelps from being overeaten by the urchins. NATHANIEL RICH, AUTHOR "LOSING EARTH": Thanks for having me. We always thought that they were these two cell types involved and it was a certain channel in the lung that caused cystic fibrosis. Traversed by whales, sharks, turtles, tuna and albatross and home to mysterious deep-sea cr Subjects: Biology, Science Grades: 9th - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education Types: Stellers sea lions, bald eagles, and whales arrives to have their first meals after cold winter. President Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords and he's fire a former coal lobbyist to head up his Environmental Protection Agency. . At CZI we're more than 50 percent women, across the organization we're a quarter underrepresented minorities. Documentary series focusing on the breadth of the diversity of habitats around the world, from the remote Arctic wilderness and mysterious deep oceans to the vast landscapes of Africa and diverse jungles of South America. 48:53. HARI SREENIVASAN: How does this fit with the initiatives that your foundation works in? It really is a three-part program - project-based learning, teaching kids life-long learning skills, and also mentorship. It was so loud. It'd be less work for CZI to do if schools were better funded. And so we are very thoughtful about when we introduce technology and why, to make sure that the kids are getting a balance of different inputs, and access to learning that they otherwise wouldn't have had. We want to be able to see that type of outcome from strong implementations for students nationwide. 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