aita for uninviting my stepdad

Im sorry but is your family a bunch of uneducated hicks that actually think this shit is normal? Asthma is a serious medical condition and if he had had an attack and they couldn't find his stolen medication, he could have been in a world of trouble. Or are they the kind of people who will just keep being assholes? How is that funny? When they cry, they can be told real men meet their financial obligations or post their own bail. Obviously, OP is NTA for booting them from the wedding. Your fianc is your new family and he deserves better than this. Like, Tim is well within his rights to leave this shitshow if she doesn't follow through (as he should be), but it sounds like she's been trying to get them to cut it out since the beginning and this was the final straw. Those scars leave a mark. The spares too if they were mounted externally. It's not up to OP to "not let this ruin her relationship with her family.". Ask them who was going to be the one to explain to his family if he died. I'm impressed Tim kept trying with these jerks. I have never been a cryer but I've shed more tears because of my dad than laughs with him. If you have a son, do you want your family to test him this way? NTA - They tried to kill your fiance. He could have died. (jfc the warped mentality has me spinning). His lips are turning purple! Rejecting feminine things like healthy social connections literally shortens their lives. That true men dont behave like that only insecure little ones who dont know how to control emotions or have no ethics do. Honestly, your family is dangerously abusive and toxic. Slashing tires isnt a prank. Its destruction of private property and vandalism. I thought my family was crazy. Lastly, as you're getting married, I don't know if you're planning to have children, but there is a genetic component to asthma, so you also have to consider the ramifications of ignoring this behavior now and your children spending time with the men in your family in the future. Definitely NTA. Fucking abuse. This is the lesson they need to learn. This is a hill to die on OP. Also you are not ruining the relationship with your family. I have severe asthma, without my inhaler I will die. Tomorrow it will be your son. If youre having children, what will these men do to them, particularly if you have Tims son? Some people say they just don't want to scare you and fear you'll refuse the treatment (or they just don't want you to ask questions they'd have to answer). Yeah, I would never ever trust my kids for a single second with a grandparent who verbally harassed me, slashed my tires, and tried to steal medical equipment that kept me from suffocating to death. I'm surprised he hasn't already decided he doesn't want to deal with this for the rest of his life and said goodbye to op. Aita for uninviting my parents to my wedding; quad cortex neural dsp price; the forest fly command; python flush output; salvage car auction virginia; the book of psalms explained pdf; heineken hoodie; steel pipes suppliers in uae. Your family is really toxic. You wouldnt hide someones epipen or insulin. It's usually even worse with family. They are awful people. Its a very dangerous prank. What a nightmare. He still went camping with them after months (years?) I will say though - you NEED to go to bat for him more. When the complain have him directly tell them to stop whining and take it like men do. What awful people. Your family is driving the wedge. None of these are harmless. My in laws are great, but that's not something I'd sign up for unless I felt like my wife really wanted me to go for some reason. Timmy also needs to stand up for himself. You suck too btw. If he wont take care of himself, make sure youre both prepared for the consequences. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. People can die from asthma attacks, especially if they dont have access to their inhalers. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. He passed away. If a person disrespects your partner, then they're disrespecting you too. Who thought it was a great idea for an asthmatic person to go on a 3 day trip with 4 individuals who had already slashed his tires to "see what type of man he is"? Damn he must love you to have continued to be abused. Not to mention, destroying someone else's property is not a prank, it's criminal behavior. It could very easily have been your fianc's literal hill to die on, withholding his medicine. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It was not fun. Thats not pranking. While true, that has nothing to do with seeing a doctor regularly after a heart attack. I would completely remove my fianc from any further contact with my family if I were her. I think you all let it go to far before you stood up for him. OP needs to ask her dad what hed think if her future MIL learned she had what could be a fatal allergy to nuts & decided to slip her some to test her womanliness. Your relatives arent funny, they are aggressive and harmful and your fianc shouldnt have to see them ever again, it is on them to realise the seriousness of their behaviour and make amends. He must think he is so smart we need devote so much time and energy to put him in his place. Interesting how these "pranks" appear to involve illegal activity. OP is the poster child for NTA. Plus, as a partner (soon to be wife), you need to support and protect your partner from family if they're doing things like this to them. You know their bullying will only get worse with you standing up for him. ESH minus your Fianc who should gtfo to be honest. And they could have killed your fiance with this! NTA. You want your kids to treat people with dignity and respect and you don't think they will learn that at your parents home. To cut a long story short, I realised quite quickly in my older teen years (17) that my dad manipulated and gaslit me throughout my childhood and my mother was never the villain. Like Im sorry, who are you? The men in your family are among the worst types of people and I feel terrible that your fianc had to endure that much before it was finally stopped. I am assuming your fiance has been putting up with this out of respect for you and your family. Everyone thinks it's some made up thing just used as an excuse to get out of things. I'd get the police involved for the slashed tires alone, and talk to a lawyer about the inhaler. Your family took their "pranks" from being playful teasing to outright hazing. anything that involves irreparable destruction of property cannot be called a prank. NTA she was totally unconsiderate to you. Imagine your sons having to bear such insane behavior from grown men. This is definitely your hill to die on. Does your idiotic family not understand that they could have ended a human life cause of pranks ? NTA - Hiding someone's inhaler is not a harmless prank! It took until they actually endangered his life for her to tell her idiot relatives to stop torturing the man she allegedly loves? Your cousi, brother, uncle and dad are TA for what they have done. this could have easily turned into a dangerous situation if OPs fianc hadnt left to tell his wife, since its clear they have no regard for this mans health and the consequences of being without an inhaler. Id be long gone by the time they were slashing my tires. This is dangerous and just irresponsible. Exactly. The funniest is snipping valve stems. NTA. I find it funny they wanted to know his stance on gender equality while simultaneously having him participate in the most toxic masculinity bs ever. Withholding an inhaler? You should have stopped this at the very least when they slashed his tires, but even before then, the idea that they need to test his manliness is infantilizing, misogynistic, and toxic as hell. Slashing tires and taking an asthmatics inhaler is not typical. You dont realize its abuse until it's to late. They dont realize how much theyre fucking up and its scary. That's when I stopped searching. I will also add that, even if it doesnt work out with Tim. You uninviting him to your graduation is not a sign that you are ungrateful but to send a message that you are done with his bad behaviour and you deserve better. The only difference is, I was about 13 when I was forced to realize my father was a terrible, manipulative man. this. Look, it's just like those 'allergy' people. Hes marrying you. OP grew up with this. Hes definitely a better person than me because I cannot imagine caring for someone who didnt cut off their family after the first couple incidents of bullying. Stand your ground and move on with your life. Also I hope this doesn't take the shine off your wedding OP, and remember that day is about making two people happy, nobody else. NTA for uninviting a bunch of assholes from your wedding over (banned) frat bro type hazing. If he can't respect you/your boundaries he can see himself out. Honestly, if I were your fiance, I'd have left when you showed through your actions that's it's ok for your family to SLASH HIS TIRES. Filing a police report would be justified, but only so theres a paper trail in case they continue to harass him. Good thing I was completely serious and not sarcastic at all. Do you really need these people and their defenders in your life? And clearly the respect of these toxic males is worthless, and its much more important for OP and fianc to have self respect. Your fianc is a trooper for putting up with them. NTA and you made the right decision sticking up for your fianc as he is obviously madly in love with you to put up with your families bullshit. You need to go NC. AITA for not wanting my stepdad at my college graduation? For some reason the other guys never prank me. NTA btw. Its fucking property damage! Dad is flat out saying he will never respect OPs husband. I would have left a long time ago. I know, right? A couple of the times this has happened it has been a small heart attack. Tires are expensive to replace, and not everyone gets lucky finding good replacements secondhand. Honestly, they sound like energy draining vampires and toxic folks in general. Dad and his cronies are all abusive assholes. HIDING HIS INHALER? Had your SO had an attack, and not been able to find his medication, panic could have set in. The opposite in fact. acts against the man you claim to love. They could have killed him . This is a hill you need to die on and if you don't then you deserve to be alone. Your family is driving the wedge, not him. ". And I'd take it all the way to the wedding unless there's a huge apology to your man and they back off for real. Her future husband should have joined in and told OPs family hes no longer participating in their ridiculous tests. Hey Timmy Jr! You dont hide an inhaler away from someone. for months. Like men. violence isnt just physical aggression against an individual.) Just look at the way talk about him! They need to fuck all the way off. Imagine if you guys decided to have kids and they acted this way around them too? Let them sulk. Read this before contacting the mod team. If you dont prioritize him now you will 100% lose him and have only yourself to blame. It was adenocarcinoma and it was in his spine. These aren't pranks. So you definitely made the right decision. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. But I had an attack, not that long ago, that landed me in the hospital overnight. Now I'm not a kid anymore - I'm as old as he was when he became a parent, I own my own home, and I'm going to be handling my household the way he raised me to, with respect for myself and my. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. You will never have a proper stable relationship due to youre family. You're family doesn't know the definition of "prank". Amen. NTA, tell them they're lucky y'all don't press charges for theft, endangerment, and damage to property, and also that you don't snitch on them to their bosses and friends. Fuck people like this and their asinine 'pranks'. Stay strong. If there's any chance of any form of healing this extended family it's by them realising how badly they've messed up, and them having to "man up" to take the consequences of their actions could be what's needed. Would they still fuck with him if there was a chance hed pound them into the ground like a fence post? Because it sure as hell isn't Earth. What theyre doing arent pranks your fianc doesnt have to prove ANYTHING to your family. Exactly. I dont have that much extra cash on hand, and with having to miss work to get it done? They took Tim on a 3 day trip and hid his inhaler. You gotta step up for your man, yourself, and your future children because no way this stops at the wedding. Id have bounced at the slashing tires. OP why do you let your family treat him like that? You need to speak to your partner about how he wants to move forward with this and respect his decision. Fuck them. Honestly I would elope and not tell them and start getting closer with his family and make distance with your family. NTA, the only typical thing about this is typical mail toxic behaviour. NTA they took the pranks way too far. Tell them that real men don't need such immature posturing. That is what they are clear and simple and now their pranks have turned deadly. They going to be saying' 'it's just a prank bro" if he was hospitalized? You joke, but men let their toxic/insecure masculinity come between them and lifesaving healthcare. I, on the other hand got to live with my stepdad more since I'm the youngest and we established a somewhat stable relationship. Youve subjected him to a lot and youve let A LOT slide. Tbf I think she didn't know until it happened .. the men side of OP's family seem very toxic and misogynistic as well.. they probably won't include a "woman" in their plans Yeah. It has been great having her back and we've gotten so close again. I, 22f, and my dad have had a tumultuous relationship for the last 5 years. if OP's fiance was my friend or family member, i would tell him to end this relationship asap before anything worse happens and no person is worth this hassle. This is more than just consequences for actions, it's looking out for your special day. Not only uninvite them, you should cut contact completely. These are the types of jackasses that don't believe food allergies are real. They are all stupid creeps. Or the panic and other feelings all together when you feel you cant breathe. The man you want to marry has been shamed, had his property vandalized, been made uncomfortable, and his health, possibly life, endangered. There's a reason there's quite a lot of these shops, tires are heavy, can be difficult to adjust correctly and you wouldn't wanna risk your life just cause you aren't 100% sure you did everything perfectly. OP, if you don't protect your future husband from that disgusting behaviour, you don't deserve him. I would presume that they had a similar experience with him.". NTA and personally I'd go no contact. I personally have no qualms with cutting people out of my life if they're cruel or indulge cruelty. Tires are fucking expensive as hell. This is 200% bullying bordering on harrassment and they need to be punished accordingly. Oh he's dead! Cut those toxic people out and go be happy with the man who loves you. Also expect your mom might say she isn't going if they don't. Seriously. NTA and I can see this being a dealbreaker for Tim unless you go low to no contact. Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. You should have given your dad and brother some kind of excuse for why Tim couldnt go camping. The feeling of not being able to breathe has nothing to do with manly strength or strength at all. Enjoy the rest of your life with your fianc. Leave them uninvited. I'd tell your mom that you would be ashamed of your children if they acted like your dad. Tell them you are reporting them to the police for attempted murder and get a restraining order. Youre NTA, but if you dont take this stand, Tim will leave you. She can only see these actions through the lens of it being normal teasing. Is this the future you want? Small people feel the need to put other people down. If I were Tim I'd be questioning the marriage with a hostile family like that. He's an American actually fortunate enough to have access to healthcare and is bragging that he doesn't get it, despite obviously needing it? They literally admitted to attempted murder, I mean the husband could always put a stop to those challenges but the fact that they hid the inhaler is unforgivable. live happily now :). And to also add that theyre belittling his mental health too. What if OP has a child who wants to go to collage. Someone should teach these men a lesson. and harmful. Frankly, who cares if they respect Tim, the question is, does Tim respect them? They're not idiots; they're psychopaths. Especially with your dad, who will apologize but will lose respect for him. I have asthma and if someone, anyone, took my inhaler as a joke and hid it, Id cut them off so fast their ancestors would shiver. OPyes, this is the hill you are willing to die on. I'm really scared that your family will accidentally kill someone with this mentality. Damn he must love you to have kids and they could have set in 'm Tim! 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