working culture in japan vs singapore

Write to us at This means, for example, if your work shift starts at . Their usual work shift is for 8 hours a day. Kayla Wong Paid and sick leave wise is totally untrue. Although most people feel like working in Japan is not the best, I do miss our special bonds between colleagues. The average Singaporean fresh grad earns $3,500 a month. Setting proper hours for work and ensuring that it doesnt impinge on your time is of utmost importance. Christmas Feast in Singapore vs Christmas KFC in Japan. However, doing so in Japan could make the Japanese surprised as they think that calling one's first name in workplace is not respectful. For one thing, in Japan, resumes are typically handwritten yes, you read that right. Hes the chief operating officer of Aidemy Inc, an e-learning company involved in artificial intelligence and digital transformation; a cofounder of semiconductor designer Premo Inc; and the founder of consulting firm Eight Arrows Inc. Hes also a business school lecturer helping shape future leaders. South Korean Work Culture. Respecting elders and seniors comes from Confucianism that still exists in the Chinese culture and Asian cultures. Id joined the company based on merit. Kono: Well, after graduating university, I fully expected to enter the Japanese workforce the usual way. It wasnt until 2017 that I started my own business, so in the meantime, I worked at other big companiesAccenture, IBM, and Deloitte. Japanese labor laws dictate that employed persons should work for a maximum of 8 hours a day, or 40 hours a week. Career anchors are based on your values, desires, motivations, and abilities. However, on the other hand, working in a Japanese company, my boss is less straightforward. People at lower levels respect higher authorities. At thirty, I took my stand. Its got quite the reputation and today were going to discuss some facts that will astound you even more! The Japanese working culture is currently all this and more. I did that during my first gathering with the company, and I was shot with an awkward silence and many stares. And no, you cant strike out your error or use correction liquid or tape to mask it. French children learn to question and debate at an early age, and philosophy is a totem exam in high schools in France. At forty, I came to be free from doubts.. ; Long working hours are part of the Singapore business culture due to the market competitiveness. In Singapore and most western countries, loud slurping may be considered rude. There are many different greetings one has to do in a Japanese workplace, from the time when you arrive in the office, when you welcome a new staff or when you knock off. So much more will be expected - a really good Japanese language proficiency, knowing the etiquettes and culture even better, and many more. The massive difference in work culture is one of the reasons why companies hesitate to do so. Singapore has a slight edge, with 596 crime cases per 100,000 people, compared to Hong Kong's 936. On the flip side, it acts as a de-motivator for those looking to excel in their role. Now, most Japanese wives will raise and take care of their infant kids until the age of 2 or 3 before they send them to a preschool and commit to a job. Insights: Tell us about what happened in your early career. But if I were to knock off on the dot, it is perfectly fine. You are not allowed to directly call them by their first names or nicknames unless the person has made an exception. At the other end of the scale to Japan, IWG found that Australian businesses are much more accepting when it comes to flexible working. Try out this course from GLOBIS Unlimited to understand the difference, as well as when and why each skill is necessary for motivation, communication, and value. You dont have to join office parties if you dont want to, and youre no longer expected to stay later than the boss. These arent just problems for outsiders. First, promote career education. Most American adults leave their homes and want to be . However, I was working way too long. This commitment to one company could be traced back to the infamous samurai Bushido code. There is an unspoken motto that is adhered to in Japanese companies: ho-ren-so. Yoshito Hori led GLOBIS Corporation from a single, rented classroom to a leading business school and venture capital firm with hundreds of employees. So yes, Japanese corporate culture can be pretty harsh, so much so that theres a saying that goes, If youre able to survive working in Japan, youre able to work anywhere else in the world. Since then, it has contributed and become a massive part of the Japanese culture, emerging as one of the most read comics, not only . Inspections have been carried out at the ferry terminal by Indonesian authorities. Japanese companies in Singapore tend to resemble Japanese operations far more than Singaporean operations, and vice-versa. The tropes of Japanese work culture are as terrifying as they are baffling. Japan spends 3.2% of total GDP on education as of 2017. spend 2.6 times more on healthcare This isnt particularly a bad thing, depending on how you view it. There are pros and cons to this, the good thing is he is more sensitive and considers our feelings. I started my shuukatsukind of reluctantly I was, after all, forcing myself to go through what everyone else was doing. The average Japanese fresh grad earns $2,668 a month. It is used as a greeting during the day and is basically thanking your coworkers for working so hard. 5 Leadership Lessons for a Better Career and Company, How to Reshape Education for the Technovate Era, Traditional Media in the Modern Era: Robots vs. Ive never thought that im cut out for a Business Development role, but having the opportunity to do so is although, extremely stressful yet, very satisfying. Experiencing the two extremes greatly broadened my horizons. Web design by Yu Sheng & Yu Siang. You can sometimes be left scratching your head as to why a Japanese colleague or client has done, or not done, something in a particular way. | While. 11. Business Meetings without Decisions. This, however, is lacking in the Japanese working culture. While there exists various communities and friends to help you from time to time, you are mostly pretty much on your own. In Japan, the value of having a job floods the entire social fabric. Toru Hanai/Reuters The culture in a Japanese work environment differs greatly from that of an American workplace. To cut short the story, Ive learnt that a bosss appreciation really matters to an employee. An Interesting Look at Life in Japanese Public Schools! Singapore's workforce is multicultural with Chinese accounting for the most proportion. The mentality that you will still get paid despite simply blending in with your colleagues means that most people wont feel the need to try and exceed in their role. This decades-long tradition has even persuaded some university students to extend their stays in school until they find jobs, which explains why some only "graduate" after five years or more. Heres what ive learnt below! In Japan, customers needs and satisfaction are the most important. hierarchy. Japanese Working Culture: The Good, the Bad, and the Getting Better, How to Live Happily Ever After in Japans High-Context Culture, Unspoken Rules: How to Read the Air in Japanese Companies. The alternative is spending hours on the expressway commuting to work. So, when it comes down to it, did I have negative experiences studying and living in Japan? ; Hierarchical structure is the foundation of Singapore's working environment and collectivism is widely preferred. Listen to Japanese brain scientist Ken Mogi explain why and how. Job security means that youre able to provide for yourself and your family. So, always remain open to the idea of meeting new people and learning new things! Here, we round up 8 cultural differences that can perhaps reduce the culture shock you may face if you werent aware. It was the best way to work in Japan and have a global career. December 15, 2019, 09:49 AM. Premo is a different industry, but I can apply my experience there pretty seamlessly, as well. Wed love to hear from you! Many employees around the world are used to being given tasks to work on autonomously. But my colleagues were very nice and accepting of me, knowing that I am a Singaporean and did not know about this. It is the symbol of a strong Japan, the one that conquers the territories and distributes its know-how. Insights: Those sound like some massive changes. To make matters worse, it was on my very last sentence. This style of publication really took off in the 20th century when various laws forbidding its publication were lifted. Sometimes in life, unfortunate things happen to lead to better things - and ta-Dah - here I am in my current job, and almost 2 years in! If you enjoy such reads, check out other similar articles! It is not a very common practice for the Japanese to do handshakes during business meetings. Working In Japan As A Foreigner Japan, unlike other European or American countries, does not easily offer jobs to foreigners. Japanese companies have unique cultural, communication, and operational challenges. If you know the people around you, good for you. Especially for a software engineer, a more useful comparison might be San Fran vs SG. Annual health checks are mandatory and paid for. Copyright 2021 Sugoii Japan, All rights Reserved. In todays society, though, this type of commitment impedes on a companys ability to be dynamic, flexible, and adaptable. But unlike many of my foreigner friends, I chose not to stay there and work, and came back to my home country, Singapore, almost immediately after my graduation. The OECD estimates that on average . With that being said, the work culture in Singapore has become highly diverse as these foreign companies roll in. is the quality embedded in most Asian cultures that indicates a person's reputation, influence, dignity and honour. You genuinely feel appreciated, happy and valued in the company. Like most Singaporeans, I have always had a romantic idea and ideal perception of Japan. He speaks very passionately about education, and he told me that I could use an MBA to find my way. He will tell so many people about you, and use you as a good example. Subscribe to our newsletter for monthly career inspiration right in your inbox! That means companies become a breeding ground for monster employees. Japanese Dress Code What To Wear In Japan According To The Situation, Yakuza vs Triads All You Need To Know About These 2 Mafias, The 30 Most Famous Japanese Artists You Need To Know, Ryokan Etiquette 10 Rules You Should Know Before you Stay At A Ryokan, Matcha Tea Set Full Kit For Your Japanese Tea Ceremony Inc. Whisk & Bowl. The job-hunting process, or shuukatsu, is something that university students in Japan start as soon as they are in their third year. 1. Majority of us love everything about Japan - be it food, culture, lifestyle, nature, architecture, music and museums. Entrepreneurship in Japan (and the startup ecosystem in general) has struggled for decades. The working culture in Singapore organisations prioritises the group over the individual. Have you ever felt like a boomer in your 20s? Japanese working culture is notorious for rigidity, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. Japanese companies' recruiting departments prepare blank forms with standard job interview questions all printed out nicely for candidates to fill out and if you make a mistake doing that, you will have to start all over again on a brand new copy. dont mind concealing your individuality in order to blend in with the people around you. These checks can and will likely include the full range of health checks including hearing, eyesight, blood pressure, and blood and ECG tests. Insights: What made you decide to get your MBA? When you are going out for an appointment, you will say ittekimasu which can be loosely translated to I am going out now, I will do my best, I will return safely. Leadership and management are different skills, but todays leaders must have both. If you offered your hands to shake during a Japanese business meeting, some might find it rude or extremely awkward! Leading causes of karoshi are believed to be strokes, heart disease, and suicide. Imagine the traditional assumptions of a male-dominated workforce, with distinct levels of seniority and years of jumping through hoops to progress your career. This goes vice versa. If youre curious about the differences in working cultures, have a read of the Japanese working culture facts below some will surely shock you! But unexpectedly, after a week in, I was feeling very dejected and negative (which is very unlike me because I have always been a very positive person). This is not common anywhere else around the world! Copyright 2020 Mothership. But globalization makes thing even tougher. But they also have values that have led to remarkable longevity. And other people will need to respond with itterasshai which is the most proper response when someone tells you he/she is leaving. ), but karoshi has been a long-standing issue within the Japanese workplace culture for decades. This is partly a reflection of traditional Japanese culture and its many unspoken rules. Based on the above, you can tell that the Japanese people tend to have extreme devotion to their workplace, contributing to their team, and pleasing their managers. I gave up before even completing my first resume, let alone making it to any face-to-face interview. Don't mess it up. Staying back until your manager leaves have been a long-standing unspoken rule in the workplace that many employees still abide by today. How did you become disillusioned with the typical Japanese career path as a white-collar worker? The Business Relationship. Theres also comfort in knowing that youre good at your job, so why bother looking elsewhere? Formal and polite workplace Unlike America where the workplace seems more casual, the office in Japan is very formal indeed. Now I can organize and implement my ideas about leadership. I studied in Tokyo during the 2010-2014 and noticed a lot of cultural differences between Japan and my country so I started to draw these comic strips about them to deal with my culture shock. Japanese office-workers tend to dress more formally than Americans. We Are Hiring Are your colleagues animals in this corporate jungle you call your 'office'? If you're looking for jobs in Korea in the future or otherwise wish to understand and assimilate into the country, it's important to understand the different aspects of its work or the Korean business culture.We've listed several items to note regarding Korean culture at work to help you know what to expect if you ever land a job in South Korea. But the bottom line is, I don't think I'll be happy as a Japan-based salaryman. Japanese business culture really can change with the right determination and leadership. They would also be the first to vouch for the necessity of rules and sticking close to them as after all, the structure is there for a reason. Role: Started out from a Sales and Marketing executive position, currently working as Educational Consultant and Business Development Manager. Osaka Itinerary The Best Things To Do In Osaka In 3 Days. Clear Division of Work. My GLOBIS MBA helped me gain more confidence in the path I wanted to take. This method of micromanagement is ingrained in Japanese working culture and is further amplified by the focus on respect for seniority. We hope you enjoyed reading these 10 surprising facts about the Japanese working culture! All rights reserved. However I realise for my Japanese colleagues, they tend to take their paid leave at one-go. A 2016 government survey found that over 25% of all Japanese companies demand 80 hours of overtime each month. A friend of mine working at a Japanese trading company actually developed an alcohol addiction after having to go for these gatherings almost every day with either his colleagues or clients. Kono: Oh, yes. Were making progress here, but we need to do more. Were not all the way there yet, but these are significant improvements. It's a very special relationship.However, I was working way too long. Expenditures spend 28.0% more on education Singapore spends 2.5% of its total GDP on education as of 2020. No. The World Bank ranked Singapore as the best country in the world for doing business in 2012. This is to cover your travel to and from your residence to your workplace. The first hour after they reach work, that too an hour late, is spent socialising and talking about what has changed in the past 15 hours since they saw each other. Or let's talk about the uniforms or dress codes at least. Japanese people seeking rewarding careers are feeling the frustration, too. Japanese working culture is notorious for rigidity, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. I would be forced to face many differences and setbacks. People at work call each other by their job positions, while westerners use first names, or Mr . Foreigners can also get pension (but you have to pay it for 10 or 25 years to receive it and the payment is obligatory) A good chance to learn the Japanese . Swedish Coffee Breaks Are Serious Business. Is this really true? Whenever someone else enters, we will greet back with the same phrase! (Not necessarily true by the way! 88.3 years. It's a very special relationship. Those who do go on leave, do so with feelings of guilt. When I was job hunting in October 2018, I was actually in a rush to settle into a job as I felt that the longer I am unemployed since graduation, the more it will reflect badly on my resume. Privacy policy. | I was given the opportunity to go for business trips to Japan last year, and also got closer with my colleagues in my companys headquarters in Tokyo. I had to redirect my personal anger into something positive, something concrete for social contribution. Effort and merit are not particularly celebrated or acknowledged. But the cons is, if you do not know him well, you might not be able to decipher what he truly thinks/wants/feels. In some Japanese homes, there will be an area between the indoors and outdoors of the home that is known as Genkan. Seniority, not merit, is rewarded. With these eclectic responsibilities (and a GLOBIS MBA behind him), hes turned his early career frustrations into a change-making mission. If Dentsu showed the extreme of the Japanese work environment, IBM was the cutting edge of the world. And would I have had a better time elsewhere? Despite our different nationalities, we stuck with one another mostly because we shared the same values, and had similar educational backgrounds. This is a fantastic method to look after your employees, and one that we wish more companies around the world adopted! Have something else to share? After entering the office in the morning, you will have to say Ohaiyo Gozaimaz loudly, which translates to good morning. At a time when expectations for racial diversity and gender equality are rising just about everywhere, countries like Japan that have struggled to adapt strict business practices can look even worse by comparison. You May Also Like: Dress Code In Japanif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'sugoii_japan_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sugoii_japan_com-leader-2-0'); The East mindset of collectivism over the West mindset of individualism is prevalent in the Japanese working culture. | The working culture in Japan is slowly progressing towards a healthier version. Waiting until your manager is not the only unspoken workplace rule that needs to be adhered to. Companies prefer to achieve results through the collective efforts of employees and emphasise collaboration and teamwork. The following apply to traditional Japanese companies in Japan and Singaporean companies in Singapore. Addressing your boss, colleagues, and clients, you need to add a san at the back. Tough work culture notwithstanding, the locals I met treated me with a kindness that I will never forget. 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